🍄Windows Vm

Windows virtual machine (VM) can be run on Linux via VirtualBox. Make sure to have 70 GiB of free space, the compressed image takes 23 GiB and the instantiated VM takes around 44 GiB.

For Arch Linux the steps are as follows:

  1. Download the VirtualBox image from the official Windows page. Note that these virtual machines have an expiration date so they will have to be re-downloaded ever so often.

  2. Extract it to a directory where the VM will be put.

  3. Install VirtualBox as instructed on the wiki. Currently it includes the packages virtualbox, virtualbox-host-modules-arch, virtualbox-guest-iso.

  4. Reboot to activate the installed kernel module.

  5. Start VirtualBox which will open a GUI application.

  6. Select "Import" and choose the extracted .ova file. This will take some time to import, the progress bar on the right will show the progress.

  7. Once the import is completed, choose the VM on the left, click Settings, go to "Shared folders" and create a shared folder. Give it a mount point, for example, "G" and check the "Auto-mount" option. This functionality is provided via the virtualbox-guest-iso package, so make sure to install it.

  8. Start the VM! The very first start will take a while. Make sure to restart it as necessary.

See how to install Odin on the Windows VM.
